At Napa Christian we prepare our students for a useful and joy-filled life, having a strong friendship with God. We focus on whole-person development, Bible-based values, and selfless service in accordance with the Seventh-day Adventist mission to the world. Napa Christian Campus of Education provides a Christ-centered education with academic excellence, moral integrity, and spiritual depth, and prepares students to follow Christ in their lives.

As a child of God, each student is the primary focus of the entire educational effort, and is always shown love, respect, and acceptance. The purpose of Adventist education is to help students reach their highest potential and to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives. Student outcomes constitute a significant guiding criterion in assessing the health and effectiveness of the school.

Napa Christian follows the Seventh-day Adventist philosophy of education, which is Christ-centered. Adventists believe that under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, God’s character and purposes can be understood as revealed in nature, the Bible, and Jesus Christ. The distinctive characteristics of Adventist education—derived from the Bible —point to the redemptive aim of true education: to restore human beings into the image of their Maker.

Seventh-day Adventists believe that God is infinitely loving, wise, and powerful. He relates to human beings on a personal level, presenting His character as the ultimate norm for human conduct and His grace as the means of restoration. Napa Christian aims to love each of the students we have here, as Christ loves us.

Every week students from K-12 participate in a school wide chapel where the students worship together, and grow in their spiritual life, have opportunities to lead out in song service, prayer, and service.
Two Fridays a month students in K-8 participate in chapel services together, while 9th-12th grades worships together at a separate time. The alternating Fridays, students in K-12 worship all together in Koinonia. Koinonia is a greek word, which means, Christian fellowship or communion, with God or, more commonly, with fellow Christians. Here at Napa Christian, we have a strong belief in the strength of coming together as a community to worship God and support each other. One of our favorite parts of Koinonia is the opportunity for students to sit together and worship with their “family groups,” which are made up of students of mixed ages from K-12. These family groups help bond students, give students in the upper grades leadership roles, and form relationships and memories that our students keep for a lifetime.
Every year the students at Napa Christian have an opportunity to participate in various community service days, such as in retirement and convalescent homes, park clean up, canned food drives, letter writing, and creating care packages for our soldiers. Taking care of the people in our community is a vital part of the heart of Napa Christian’s mission.
Week of Prayer
Every year Napa Christian hosts two weeks of prayer, one in the fall and one in the spring. Our fall week of prayer is typically lead by a guest pastor, who brings worship in song and a short sermon directed to the students at their age level Monday through Friday. Our spring week of prayer is student led by the Academy students, two students each day will lead out in the chapel service.
Mission Trips
Students have an opportunity every year to participate in a Mission trip over Spring Break. In the Spring of 2017 students in grades 7-12 went to Naomi House, an orphanage in Arizona. There, students were able to lead out in Vacation Bible school, clean, cook, paint, perform repairs on the home, and help take care of the children in residence there. Napa Christian students were fully integrated into helping out in all aspects of the orphans daily lives to help improve their quality of life, and be the hands and feet of Jesus as we believe we are called to be.
In the Spring of 2019 students had the opportunity to help rebuild the school that was damaged in the hurricane that struck Vieques, Puerto Rico.
Education Days
Each year, students in each grade have an opportunity to lead out with their class in a church service at one our many local & constituent churches, Napa Community, Signs Memorial SDA Church in Yountville, Sonoma SDA, Napa Spanish SDA Church, Napa Korean SDA Church, Berea SDA in Vallejo, and American Canyon SDA Church. These Education Days are an important part of bringing the youth into our churches, and connect the churches to our students so that they can build relationships and gain experiences to help them be lifelong members of our churches wherever they choose to go.
In conjunction with Napa Community Church, Middle School and Academy students have an opportunity to worship together and bring in the Sabbath in services that are geared toward our youth. These are important opportunities for our students to fellowship together in a more relaxed manner, and discuss issues and topics, and study the bible in a way that is meaningful to their day to day lives.